Calmly Talking Corona

My attempt to summarize the ongoing Covid-19 situation in Australia, one calmly delivered fact at a time. Updated Monday, Wednesday and Friday. All information is current as of recording, but given the changing nature of the situation some information may become outdated sooner than others. To summarize - don't panic and wash your hands when you can - we will get through this.

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Monday Jun 15, 2020

It's been a busy Monday all over.
Scandals here, Shops open over there, and France in the green.
This is the last episode for the forseeable future, so I hope you stay well and happy. 
This has been great fun for me, I hope you enjoyed it too.

44 - Friday 12 June

Friday Jun 12, 2020

Friday Jun 12, 2020

See you Monday.

Wednesday Jun 10, 2020

20 to 30 chickens, questions going unanswered, an app that doesn't seem useful and a quote that I don't know if Scotty thought through.
It has been a newsy day.
Have a great week and I'll be back on Friday.

Friday Jun 05, 2020

It's a long weekend so I will be back on Wednesday.
I am sure that no news will occur while I'm not talking about it, so no need to worry.
If you are going to be out in a crowd this weekend, please check the legality of the crowd and decide if you can afford the fine. And please try to be safe, social distance - wear a mask - all that stuff.
Be safe and I'll be back Wednesday.

Wednesday Jun 03, 2020

Catch you on Friday.

Monday Jun 01, 2020

...not enough olds.
First day of Australian Winter today, and Adelaide was cold.
Hope everyone is staying warm out there.

39 - Friday 29 May: Fri-yay!

Friday May 29, 2020

Friday May 29, 2020

It's going to be a cold wet winter in Australia, get a flu shot if you can. If you can't, hang out with people who have.
If your friends don;t get vaccinated, are they really your friends?
Zoos Victoria have published the feeding times for their animals next to their live streams.
Have a great weekend. You are amazing.

Wednesday May 27, 2020

"Trans-Tasman Travel Bubble" try saying that ten times fast.
Another short episode. I have resisted the temptation to take cheap shots at the PM (Sally McManus has that market cornered)
The full list of vietnamise e-visa countries can be found here.
Wash your hands, water your plants, and I'll be back on Friday.

Monday May 25, 2020

Thank-you for that. It's a little strange to have a minute count on my waffling, but, thank-you for listening.
Scotty will be giving a major address on Tuesday, so by Wednesday I'm sure I'll have some insightful Opposition opinions to share.
Until then stay safe.

Friday May 22, 2020

Another week done. Italy is planning on opening up for summer, New Zealand has had the leader of their opposition resign (he was too unpopular) and I can now go and sit in a cafe (as long as it isn't too popular)
You'll hear from me on Monday, so have a great weekend.

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