Calmly Talking Corona

My attempt to summarize the ongoing Covid-19 situation in Australia, one calmly delivered fact at a time. Updated Monday, Wednesday and Friday. All information is current as of recording, but given the changing nature of the situation some information may become outdated sooner than others. To summarize - don't panic and wash your hands when you can - we will get through this.

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Tuesday Apr 28, 2020

I got a nice pen in the mail today, and went for a walk and took photos of roses and ducks. I hope you got out and enjoyed what may have been the last of the ''good'' weather. If you didn't don't fear, the ducks will still be out there in the not-so-good weather. They are ducks.
Like those ducks I'll be back tomorrow, have a good night.

Monday Apr 27, 2020

Another weekend has passed, and based on the purchasing restrictions on flour, another loaf or two has been baked.
For those of you who didn't go to the beach over the weekend, well done. (If you did go to the beach I assume you live nearby and were exercising within local restrictions, and in that case - also well done)
Have a good evening and I'll be back tomorrow.

Friday Apr 24, 2020

Every now and then as I'm recording these I say a sequence of words that I could never have imagined saying aloud. But, on the plus side, it's the weekend. So I will be back on Monday. Honestly, I'm not going anywhere over the weekend ... well, to the fridge and the couch, so that may take two days. Anyway see you Monday, have a good weekend.

Thursday Apr 23, 2020

I hope you also had a productive day. As we adjust to our new normal, make sure you take time away from replying to messages and take some you time. Mine may have consisted of eating chocolate, but it was still time I took to focus on myself. Have a good night and I'll see you tomorrow.

Wednesday Apr 22, 2020

Halfway through another week, and we are all still here. Bread has been baked, plants watered, and clothes washed, everything counts so even the slowest of days can still be considered productive. So, make yourself comfy and I'll be back tomorrow.

Tuesday Apr 21, 2020

I will be out of practice at giving high-5's when social distancing ends. This episode comes with a free "air-five" if you need it.
Hope you are well, and still remembering to drink your tea -before- it gets cold ... unless it's iced tea, in which case it's the other way round.
Any way, have a good one and I'll be here again tomorrow.

Monday Apr 20, 2020

Please insert a Safety Dance lyrics based joke here that works with the title, I couldn't make one work, but I am fairly sure there is one to be found. Hope you had a great weekend.
Dutch Flowers at Keukenhof
WA App -

Friday Apr 17, 2020

With another weekend ahead of us I'd like to remind you that we are #alonetogether 
If you need something cute to look at Fustercluck Farm on Instagram is pretty cute.
Have a great weekend, I'll be back on Monday.

Thursday Apr 16, 2020

I finished all the cheese today, that's important for you to know.
Scotty saw his shadow and now there will be at least 4 more weeks of lock-down.
Make a nice cup of something and get comfy, and I will see you tomorrow.

Wednesday Apr 15, 2020

Now i'm not looking to start an argument, but obviously Ginger nut biscuits are meant to be dipped in mugs of tea. If you are using a fancy cup, that's up to you. But mugs of tea deserve biscuits.

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