Calmly Talking Corona

My attempt to summarize the ongoing Covid-19 situation in Australia, one calmly delivered fact at a time. Updated Monday, Wednesday and Friday. All information is current as of recording, but given the changing nature of the situation some information may become outdated sooner than others. To summarize - don't panic and wash your hands when you can - we will get through this.

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Tuesday Apr 14, 2020

One short long-weekend later and I'm back. I hope you had just slightly more than a sensible amount of something nice to eat over the weekend. And I hope you're comfortable because you deserve to be. Talk to you more tomorrow, have a great one.

Thursday Apr 09, 2020

I forgot to mention that like most Australians I'm going to take the whole long weekend. So I will be back on Tuesday.
In the meantime, eat hot-cross bun, chocolate and whatever else makes you happy. Have a Bun Weekend!

Wednesday Apr 08, 2020

With the Jobkeeper bill passing parliament today has been quite busy. Fortunately I had some banana bread to eat and that was my contribution. Not having an oven I do have to go outside to acquire baked goods, but I'm trying to do that sparingly.
Here is the Guardian link I mention.

Tuesday Apr 07, 2020

Well I remembered a whole cup of tea while it was warm today, so I have that going for me. I hope you achieved the reasonable, manageable goals that you set for yourself. If you didn't just remember that there is always tomorrow, and some of us do our best work once we've percolated on a task for a while. Enjoy and I'll be back tomorrow.
(I'm serious about the full moon, it really is called a Super Pink Moon. And sadly it won't actually be pink, that's not why it's called that apparently.)

Monday Apr 06, 2020

Well I'm still here after that busy weekend of staying indoors. I hope you are also still here. If you haven't had a glass of water recently, maybe you should, or not - I do hear good things about staying hydrated. Since this is a short one you probably won't need a whole cup of tea to listen to it, but enjoy all the same.

Friday Apr 03, 2020

Another week another Friday. We are all still here, our own personal here's but we are still there. I hope you're remembering that nice snack you got yourself and put in the cupboard and forgot. If you are just now remembering that snack, you're welcome. Have a great weekend and you'll hear from me on Monday.
Bath City Farm can be found here.

Thursday Apr 02, 2020

I'm glad that we all have internet, otherwise I'd have to go visit you all one by one. I would never get anything done. Have you watered your plants recently? Good.
Anyway, today was Thursday, and it was a short one.

Wednesday Apr 01, 2020

How is your cup of tea? Did you leave it too long or is it just right? Hopefully I reminded you at the perfect time. If not, sorry, I'll try to time my appearance with your cup of tea better. Anyway, fetch some biscuits and get comfortable, today has been a Wednesday.

Tuesday Mar 31, 2020

So, that has been a long month. A whole 31 days of month. Fortunately for us April only has 30 days in it, so that will probably make it go by a little faster. With March nearly over (Or maybe it is over for you already, I'm just the description text on an episode - I don't keep track of time.) Anyway, with March over can I eat hot cross buns yet? Or is it still to soon.

Monday Mar 30, 2020

Well, it's Monday. It is good to see you again, I'm glad you could be here. Some things happened today, and over the weekend. I'll wait right here while you get yourself a drink and then get comfortable. It is time to calmly talk corona.

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